How He Comes To Us
So this is how he came to us.
He came to us riding a donkey.
There was little pomp and
No trumpets blew.
No armor
No stallions
No enemies
Just Jesus on his donkey.
As far as kings go, this isn’t what you would expect. Yet, this is how he came to us.
This is how he came to us.
Born in a stable.
Laid in a donkey’s feed
His nursery was populated with
sheep and goats.
He came to us with
stories and riddles.
He came to us with
preaching and teaching.
He came to us with
powerful healing and radical welcome.
He came to us
washing feet.
He came to us
embodying sacrifice and service.
He came to us with
holes in his hands and feet.
As far as humans go, this isn’t what you would expect. Yet, this is how he came to us.
And this is how he comes to us.
He comes to us in the most
unexpected ways.
He comes to us in the embrace of
children and the tales of the elderly.
He comes to us in the ears of
friends and the eyes of strangers.
He comes to us in bread and wine,
in sermon and song, in prayer and giving.
He comes to us in small acts of love, genuine acts of hospitality, authentic acts of forgiveness.
He comes to us in small acts of love, genuine acts of hospitality, authentic acts of forgiveness.
He comes to us in the least of
He comes to us whenever we come to
He comes to us whenever we reach
for peace instead of war, truth instead of ignorance, welcome rather than
He comes to us when we have no idea
where we are going.
He comes to us amidst our tears,
our fears, our doubts.
Over and over again, he comes to
As far as gods go, this isn’t what
you would expect. Yet, this is how he
comes to us.
He does not come to us in the shouts as much as in the
whispers. This is how he comes to us…
TODAY… NOW…so listen…